Aj Dental

Experienced Implant Dentist & Dental Implants in Potters Bar - Hertfordshire

Permanently Solve Missing Teeth Problems with Dental Implants

What are Dental Implants?

Dental Implants Potters Bar

Dental implants are titanium roots that replace lost natural tooth roots. A single dental implant is attached to a dental crown to restore one damaged or lost tooth. Meanwhile, several dental implants can be used to fix a dental bridge in place, restoring the form and function of an entire jaw (lower or upper) with multiple missing teeth. If you are looking for Dental Implants in Potters Bar, book an appointment here.

Dental implants in our clinic in Hertfordshire offer permanent solutions to missing teeth because they are embedded into the jaw. This is to ensure that the titanium post can fully integrate with the surrounding tissue on the jawbone, keeping the implant secured in place to deliver lasting benefits.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

  • Permanent solution to missing teeth – Dental implants are permanent solutions to tooth loss. They will not move since they are securely attached to the jawbone, ensuring continuous support to the dental crowns or dental bridge that is connected to complete the smile restoration.
  • Aesthetic smile improvement – Dental implants improve the appearance of the smile as the dental crowns or dental bridge close the gaps caused by tooth loss. The result is a smile that looks complete and beautiful once more. The implants also restores the natural shape of your face that may have been altered by missing teeth problems.
  • Prevents bone loss – The titanium implant is designed to replace the function of the lost tooth root, providing stimulation to protect the jawbone from deteriorating or stop bone loss from further progressing.
  • Improves bite force – Dental implants are attached securely to the jaw. This allows you to bite using almost the same force that you had with your natural teeth, enabling you to chew on and eat your favourite food without being held back by missing teeth or loose denture concerns.
  • Enables normal speaking – Dental implants work just like normal teeth, so they do not cause slurring or other speech problems that are normally associated with tooth loss or with using ill-fitting dentures.
  • Boosts confidence after tooth loss – As the smile’s function and appearance are restored by dental implants, you will be able to enjoy a boost of confidence since you will not need to worry about unsightly gaps in your smile or about loose dentures that can negatively affect the way you speak.

More Dental Implant information.

We Use OSSTEM (Based in Seoul).
The World's Most Placed Dental Implant

Let’s Get Your Missing Teeth Back

We have Master-qualified Implant Dentists and One of our Dentists is a Lecturer in Advanced Full-mouth Techniques

Dental Implants

Dental implant consultation*£50
Single implant treatment including crownfrom £1,900
Denture supporting implantfrom £4,200
All on 4 and All on 6 per archfrom £10,500
Extraction with socket preservation. *Includes examination, radiographs, and necessary preparations£295 - depends on number of implants
Bone Grafting£395
Sinus Augmentation - (Crestal Ridge)£395
Sinus Augmentation - Complex (Lateral Window)from £1,000